201 Quotes by Diane Setterfield

"There are cultures in which it is believed that a name contains all a persons mystical power. That a name should be known only to God and to the person who holds it and to very few privileged others. To pronounce such a name either ones own or someone else's is to invite jeopardy. This it seemed was such a name."


"Then he looked beyond the ever-shifting alteration to study the stillness of her expression. He knew his camera could not capture this - that some things were only truly seen by the human eye. This was one of the images of his lifetime. He simply exposed his retina and let love burn her flickering, shimmering, absorbed face onto his soul."


"The line between life and death is narrow and dark, and a bereaved twin lives closer to it than most."


"The other rooms were thick with the corpses of suffocated words."


"In summer he was a different person, sprightly and alert, and people took him for a man a decade younger than his years; but in winter he sank as the skies darkened, and by December he was always tired. When he went to bed, he drowned in sleep; when he was wakened from it, dragged from the depths , he was somehow always unrefreshed."


"A child is not an empty vessel.... to be formed in whatever way the parent thinks fit. They are born with their own hearts and they cannot be made otherwise, no matter what love a man lavishes on them."


"Nikad nemoj dozvoliti da ti vrijeme bude gospodar', rekao je Bellman. 'Ako nešto želiš učiniti, učini to. Vrijeme će se stvoriti samo od sebe.'No zapravo, smatrao je da je otkrio - ili mu je darovan - ključ znanosti o upravljanju vremenom. Mogao je otključati vrijeme poput kovčega kad god mu se prohtjelo, staviti uteg na klatno i usporiti njegovo kretanje. Mogao je rastaviti sate na dijelove, pronaći u njima dodatne minute koje su odlazile u vjetar i iskoristiti ih."


"...pasaulē ir pārāk daudz grāmatu, lai tās izlasītu vienas dzīves laikā; kaut kur ir jānovelk svītra."


"We are made of the stories we have heard and read all through our lives."


"I still believe in stories. I still forget myself when I am in the middle of a good book. Books are for me, it must be said, the most important thing."
