179 Quotes by Dick Gregory
"I feel that the same God-force that is the mother and father of the Pope is also the mother and father of the loneliest wino on the planet."
"In the South they don't mind how close I get, so long as I don't get too big. In the North they don't mind how big I get, so long as I don't get too close."
"Martin Luther King taught us all nonviolence. I was told to extend nonviolence to the mother and her calf."
"I didn't realize, when I decided to be a comic, that a black person had never been allowed to stand flat-footed in America and talk to white folks. It never happened before."
"Revolution ain't nothing but an extent of evolution; Evolution is a fact of nature. So when old folks tell me that they don't understand hip hop and the music is too loud, well I guess it means you're not supposed to be in there."
"Race baiters and discriminators may go underground, but they never move out of town."
"People keep telling me about the white race and the black race - and it really doesn't make sense. I played Miami, met a fellow two shades darker than me - and his name was Ginsberg! Took my place in two sit-in demonstrations - nobody knew the difference. The he tried for a third lunch counter and blew the whole bit ... asked for blintzes."