25 Quotes by Dilgo Khyentse

  • Author Dilgo Khyentse
  • Quote

    Our lives have no outcome other than death, just as rivers have no end other than the ocean. At the moment of death, our only recourse is spiritual practice, and our only friends the virtuous actions we have accomplished during our lifetime.

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  • Author Dilgo Khyentse
  • Quote

    Expecting a lot from people, you do a lot of smiling; Needing many things for yourself, you have many needs to meet; Making plans to do first this, then that, your mind’s full of hopes and fears – From now on, come what may, don’t be like that.

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  • Author Dilgo Khyentse
  • Quote

    What a waste of time it is to take so much care of this body, feeding it the most succulent dishes, dressing it in the most fashionable clothes, and trying to make it look younger than it really is. The body has no other destination than the cemetery where it will be burned, buried, or fed to the birds.

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  • Author Dilgo Khyentse
  • Quote

    Mindfulness should guide all your actions and your spiritual endeavors. Whatever you do, always apply three essential points: undertake the action with the intention of doing so for the good of all beings; execute it with perfect concentration, free of attachment to concepts of subject, object, and action; and, finally, dedicate the merit you have created to the enlightenment of all beings.

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  • Author Dilgo Khyentse
  • Quote

    Many of us lead family lives. At most, the members of a family stay together for the duration of a lifetime, often much less. While that fleeting moment of being together still lasts, we should try to remain in perfect harmony with each other, while observing the Dharma as much as possible. Night and day, let us turn our minds toward goodness, love, and compassion.

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  • Author Dilgo Khyentse
  • Quote

    Ill treatment by opponents Is a catalyst for your meditation; Insulting reproaches you don’t deserve Spur your practice onward; Those who do you harm are teachers Challenging your attachment and aversion – How could you ever repay their kindness? Indeed, you are unlikely to make much spiritual progress if you lack the courage to face your own hidden faults. Any person or situation that helps you to see those faults, however uncomfortable and humiliating it may be, is doing you a great service.

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  • Author Dilgo Khyentse
  • Quote

    Ah! Fount of compassion, my root teacher, Lord Chenrezi, You are my only protector! The six-syllable mantra, essence of your speech, is the sublime Dharma; From now on I have no hope but you!

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