813 Quotes by Don DeLillo
- Author Don DeLillo
If there is a secular equivalent of standing in a great spired Cathedral with marble pillars and streams of mystic light slanting through two-tier Gothic windows, it would be watching children in their little bedrooms fast asleep. Girls especially.
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- Author Don DeLillo
But idealists of course are unpredictable. They tend to be the ones who turn bitter overnight, deceived by lies they’ve told themselves.
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- Author Don DeLillo
If you let me teach you not to end a sentence with a preposition, Edgar thought, I will save your life.
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- Author Don DeLillo
I had not yet learned to appreciate the slowly gliding drift of identical things; chunks of time spun past me like meteorites in a universe predicated on repetition.
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- Author Don DeLillo
There is a seaward bulge of stratocumulus. Sun glint and littoral drift. I see blooms of plankton in a blue of such Persian richness it seems an animal rapture, a colour change to express some form of intuitive delight.
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- Author Don DeLillo
She is the kind of of child who feels a protective tenderness towards her own beginnings. It is part of her strategy in a world of displacements to make every effort to restore and preserve, keep things together for their value as remembering objects, a way of fastening herself to a life.
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- Author Don DeLillo
Too much engenders too much.
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- Author Don DeLillo
He was waiting for a man with a knife to come out of a doorway at him. All this time, he told me, he had been trying to steal death from her body. By confronting it himself, he would keep it away from her.
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- Author Don DeLillo
Talent is everything; sanity is nothing.
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