162 Quotes by Don Winslow

  • Author Don Winslow
  • Quote

    The past isn’t in the past. It’s always with us. In our history. Our minds, our blood.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    Cops fall into two categories – grass eaters and meat eaters. The grass eaters are the small-timers – they take a cut from the car-towing companies, they get a free coffee, a sandwich. They take what comes, they’re not aggressive. The meat eaters are the predators, they go after what they want – the drug rips, the mob payoffs, the cash.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    You can either love,” Pablo says, “or you can talk about it. You can’t do both.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    They say that love conquers all. They’re wrong, Keller thinks. Hate conquers all. It even conquers hate.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    Life’s like a fat orange, Frank thinks. When you’re young, you squeeze it hard and fast, trying to get all the juice in a hurry. When you’re older, you squeeze it slowly, savoring every drop. Because, one, you don’t know how many drops you have left, and, two, the last drops are the sweetest.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    Betrayals start that way, with lies hidden in the shadows of silence.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    Police departments are always a reflection of the society that they serve. Is there such a thing as 'police culture?' Absolutely. Is that culture isolated form the surrounding society? Absolutely not.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    Police work in major cities - and New York is no exception - has always been vulnerable to corruption. Teddy Roosevelt built his career on it.

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