162 Quotes by Don Winslow

  • Author Don Winslow
  • Quote

    I never think about a movie when I’m writing a book, because I think only two things could happen and both of them are bad. You write a lousy novel and a lousy film.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    Even a North American defense lawyer is right sometimes,” Aguilar says. “Like a broken clock, twice a day.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    There is no water to put out the fire. Mi canto la esperanza. – Carlos Santana “Maria Maria.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    Mexico, the land of pyramids and palaces, deserts and jungles, mountains and beaches, markets and gardens, boulevards and cobblestoned streets, broad plazas and hidden courtyards, is now known as a slaughter ground. And for what? So North Americans can get high.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    If that’s all that troubles you, here, take my veil, wrap it round your head and hold your tongue. Then take this basket; put on a girdle, card wool, munch beans. The War shall be women’s business.

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  • Author Don Winslow
  • Quote

    In the words of Oscar Wilde, ‘I can resist everything but temptation.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    I’ll look out for him,” Keller said. Because he needs to. Call it penance, call it atonement or whatever the hell you want, he only knows that he needs to do it, that he can only find redemption by helping this boy find his, by showing love to what he hates, that at the end of the day or the end of the world, there are no separate souls. We will go to heaven or we will go to hell, but we will go together.

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    It’s important to me that the reader goes on a ride with the characters, that you set context enough to know, “Okay, here’s where we are in the world. Now we’re just going to go inside this person’s head, this guy’s heart, this woman’s ambitions and take it down to very, very small scale.”

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  • Author Don Winslow
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    Americans take their strength in victories, Mexicans’ strength is in their ability to suffer loss.

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