108 Quotes by Donald Knuth

  • Author Donald Knuth
  • Quote

    I can’t be as confident about computer science as I can about biology. Biology easily has 500 years of exciting problems to work on. It’s at that level.

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  • Author Donald Knuth
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    My first program taught me a lot about the errors that I was going to be making in the future, and also about how to find errors. That’s sort of the story of my life, making errors and trying to recover from them. I try to get things correct. I probably obsess about not making too many mistakes.

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  • Author Donald Knuth
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    I try to learn certain areas of computer science exhaustively; then I try to digest that knowledge into a form that is accessible to people who don’t have time for such study.

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  • Author Donald Knuth
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    In fact, my main conclusion after spending ten years of my life working on the T E X project is that software is hard. It’s harder than anything else I’ve ever had to do.

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  • Author Donald Knuth
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    I am worried that algorithms are getting too prominent in the world. It started out that computer scientists were worried nobody was listening to us. Now I'm worried that too many people are listening.

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  • Author Donald Knuth
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    Email is a wonderful thing for those people whose role in life is to be on top of things, but not for me: my role is to be on the bottom of things.

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  • Author Donald Knuth
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    People think that computer science is the art of geniuses but the actual reality is the opposite, just many people doing things that build on eachother, like a wall of mini stones.

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  • Author Donald Knuth
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    I'll never know everything. My life would be a lot worse if there was nothing I knew the answers about - and if there was nothing I didn't know the answers about.

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  • Author Donald Knuth
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    To me, it looks more or less like the hardware designers have run out of ideas and that they're trying to pass the blame for the future demise of Moore's Law to the software writers by giving us machines that work faster only on a few key benchmarks!

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