306 Quotes by Donna Goddard
- Author Donna Goddard
Religions are full of rituals, drama, costumes, use of the elements (particularly, fire and water), and stories. Humans are essentially story-tellers and drama-performers. It helps them connect to their right-brain functions of creativity, emotion, intuition, imagination, expression, and innovative thinking.
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- Author Donna Goddard
Intention is everything. Is there love in what a person says or is there underlying ill-will? Intention will determine the destined outcome of any situation. The same 'kind' words from one person can be a healing balm and from another, a sweet poison. The same 'harsh' words from one person can be malice and from another, save a life. The intention behind the words, action, or thought is always what makes it weak or strong, effective or ineffective, healing or harmful.
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- Author Donna Goddard
Intention is everything. Is there love in what a person says or is there underlying ill-will in their words? Intention will determine the destined outcome of any situation. The same kind words from one person can be a healing balm and from another, a sweet poison. The same harsh words from one person can be malice and from another, save a life. The intention behind the words, action, or thought is always what makes it weak or strong, effective or ineffective, healing or harmful.
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- Author Donna Goddard
Before anyone can improve their life, they must get the idea that change is possible, that life can be different and better, and that it is worth the effort it takes to make it happen.
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- Author Donna Goddard
The spiritual world is always available to us. We don’t need to make it happen. It is already here. We just need to see it; be part of it; open to it. Even a slight move in that direction is enough for Love to come rushing in. Under the influence of the Divine presence, all of our activities became more beautiful, expressive, healing, and uplifting.
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- Author Donna Goddard
In amongst the momentary glory and inevitable change is the unrelenting, ferocious desire to express the soul through a limited body in the hope that it can bring some peace to a painful inner and outer world.
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- Author Donna Goddard
Be braver. Be more honest. Don’t hold onto what you knew in the past. Artists are meant to express what other people cannot. That is why an artist, of any type, is given a privileged position in society. They are meant to inspire and we are very reliant on inspiration to help us in our lives. You cannot inspire if you are not honest. What is honest for you now will take more courage to carry and hold than it did in the past.
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- Author Donna Goddard
Spiritual progress is inevitably accompanied by better human circumstances, in one way or another.
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- Author Donna Goddard
Do you really want to hold onto empty things? We don’t have to give anything up. They just need transforming. A thousand years of happiness would be much better than another thousand years of tears, don’t you think?
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