292 Quotes by E. Lockhart

  • Author E. Lockhart
  • Quote

    It is good to be loved, even though it will not last.

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  • Author E. Lockhart
  • Quote

    But you can be talky and paint your fingernails and still be very sad. In fact, you can be talky and paint your fingernails to protect other people from how sad you are.

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  • Author E. Lockhart
  • Quote

    It is true I suffer migraines since my accident. It is true I do not suffer fools.

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  • Author E. Lockhart
  • Quote

    It was part of their mission as a secret society – as it is part of the mission of most secret societies, actually – to not be entirely secret.

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  • Author E. Lockhart
  • Quote

    Yeah.” Gat was silent for a moment. “Do you believe in God?” “Halfway.” I tried to think about it seriously. I knew Gat wouldn’t settle for a flippant answer. “When things are bad, I’ll pray or imagine someone watching over me, listening. Like the first few days after my dad left, I thought about God. For protection. But the rest of the time, I’m trudging along in my everyday life. It’s not even slightly spiritual.

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  • Author E. Lockhart
  • Quote

    It tasted like salt and failure. The bright red shame of being unloved soaked the grass in front of our house, the bricks of the path, the steps to the porch.

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  • Author E. Lockhart
  • Quote

    Dances are generally more fun to think about and get ready for than they actually are when you get there.

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  • Author E. Lockhart
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    If only she could go back in time, Jule felt, she would be a better person. Or a different person. She would be more herself. Or maybe less herself.

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