21 Quotes by E.L. Montes
- Author E.L. Montes
I also wanted you to realize that even though the pain will always be there, I’m living proof you can get past this. Right now I know it feels impossible, but one day you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come.
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- Author E.L. Montes
Just easy. Life feels like it’s always hard. There’s never a calm way to get through it, to just breathe. Every day brings the same challenges, the same routines…the same everything. And as much as I hope the next day will be different, it’s not. It’s just the same old cycle over and over again.
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- Author E.L. Montes
You're beautiful, Jenna. i'm a man and I'm afraid to admit when I'm lucky enough to look at someone as beautiful as you.
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- Author E.L. Montes
Make sure to tell our baby that his father loves him every day of his life, just like I will always love you every single day.
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- Author E.L. Montes
It’s true I shouldn’t worry what people will say. There is always someone judging you, no matter how good a person you are. Hell you could be a saint, and still there would be that one person who’ll despise you. -
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- Author E.L. Montes
Sometimes you just had to crawl through the dark beforeyou could see the light.
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- Author E.L. Montes
You know, son, in life you’regoing to have some good days and some crappy ones. Maybe more crappy ones than goodones, but whatever you do, don’t you ever give up. Make sure to push yourselfthe farthest you can go. If you want something bad enough, you have to fightfor it. If you’re not happy with your life, you and only you haveto do something to change it.
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- Author E.L. Montes
Whenyou finally find a person who makes you feel alive, how could you possiblybreathe if she were gone? I knew I couldn’t.
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- Author E.L. Montes
Babe, I thought you meant another game.” His brows wiggled.“Do you have to turn everything into sex?”“When you’re involved? Yes.
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