171 Quotes by Edgar Cayce

  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    For as we forgive, we are forgiven; as we condemn others, we are ourselves condemned. Thus in patience condemn not, neither find fault; not condoning, not agreeing, but let thine own life so shine that others, seeing thy patience, knowing thy understanding, comprehending thy peace, may take hope.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    Know that the fault ye find in others is a reflection of a fault in thyself. Be to others just as you would have others be to thee, and ye will remove much of that.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    For, none may tell another how to be beautiful. It must be the reflection of that entertained in the heart and mind of the individual. And as He is beauty, He is friendship, He is love, the more and the nearer individuals reflect that in their conversation, in their dealings with their fellow man, the greater the glory to Him.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    Don’t feel sorry for yourself if you have chosen the wrong road, turn around.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    Spirit is the life, the mind the builder the physical the result.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    This may be set as a criterion to any-yes, ’to all: When such an experiment, such a trial, draws or tires, or makes the mind foggy or dull or become as a drain upon the physical energies, know you are attuning wrong-and static has entered, from some source! For the universal consciousness is constructive, not destructive in any manner-but ever constructive in its activity with the elements that make up an entity’s experience in the physical consciousness. 792-2.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    Did you ever try to pray for somebody? That their lives might be changed?

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