171 Quotes by Edgar Cayce

  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    Through Russia, comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world,

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    For a man is a little lower than the angels, yet was made that he might become the companion of the Creative Forces; and thus was given--in the breath of life--the individual soul, the stamp of approval as it were of the Creator; with the ability to know itself to be itself, and to make itself, as one with the Creative Forces--irrespective of other influences.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    In each atom, in each corpuscle, is life. Life is what you worship as God ... and earth is only an atom in the universe of worlds.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    What we think and what we eat, combined together, make what we are, physically and mentally.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    Anyone with great imagination, of course, is intuitive. Knowledge of any nature, unless put into practical use, becomes of little effect.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    Mind is indeed the Builder . . . what is held in the act of mental vision becomes a reality in the material experience. We are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    The way of the Cross is not easy, yet it is the tuneful, the rhythmic, the beautiful, the lovely way.

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  • Author Edgar Cayce
  • Quote

    This is the first lesson ye should learn: There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, it doesn't behoove any of us to speak evil of the rest of us. This is a universal law, and until one begins to make application of same, one may not go very far in spiritual or soul development.

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