44 Quotes by Edie Sedgwick

  • Author Edie Sedgwick
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    I made a mask out of my face because I didn't realize I was quite beautiful. God blessed me so. I practically destroyed it. I had to wear heavy black eyelashes like bat wings, and dark lines under my eyes, and cut all my hair off, my long dark hair. Cut it off and stripped it silver and blonde. All those little maneuvers I did out of things that were happening in my life that upset me.

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  • Author Edie Sedgwick
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    I'm greedy. I'd like to keep most of it for myself and a few others, a few of my friends. Keep that superlative high just on the cusp of each day so that I radiate sunshine.

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  • Author Edie Sedgwick
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    Why do people stop developing, or, like they stop the way you can rate their, psychologically, their development? Where they stop, and just from being children to maybe stopping at a very adolescent age, and they stay there until they die. Physically die. I mean, they react adolescently. They don't change. They don't develop. They don't — it's that continual read, that process which is is the total threat for the ego.

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  • Author Edie Sedgwick
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    If all I cared about was me, I could make a million. And that's what they will never understand.

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  • Author Edie Sedgwick
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    I think drugs are like strawberries and peaches..There’s no way to tell anyone who hasn’t been through it, there’s no way to explain it to anyone who hasn’t tasted it . To keep that superlative high, just on the cusp of each day, so that I radiate sunshine

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  • Author Edie Sedgwick
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    I can understand other people's situations in their own terms, but I still can't understand mine.

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  • Author Edie Sedgwick
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    While I was girl of the year and superstar and all that crap, everything I did was really...motivated by psychological disturbance.

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  • Author Edie Sedgwick
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    It's sort of like a mockery, in a way of reality because they think everything is smiles and sweetness and flowers where there is something bitter to taste. And to pretend there isn't is foolish. I mean the ones that wander around and know, at the same time, and yet wear flowers, and they deserve to wear flowers. And they've earned their smile. You can tell by people's eyes.

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