151 Quotes by Edmund Hillary

  • Author Edmund Hillary
  • Quote

    I don't know if I particularly want to be remembered for anything. I personally do not think I'm a great gift to the world. I've been very fortunate.

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  • Author Edmund Hillary
  • Quote

    Challenge is what makes men. It will be the end when men stop looking for new challenges.

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  • Author Edmund Hillary
  • Quote

    I believe that of all the things I have done, exciting though many of them have been, there's no doubt in my mind that the most worthwhile have been the establishing of schools and hospitals, and the rebuilding of monasteries in the mountains.

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  • Author Edmund Hillary
  • Quote

    Geography was not furthered by the achievement, scientific progress was scarcely hastened, and nothing new was discovered. Yet the names of Hillary and Tenzing went instantly into all languages as the names of heroes, partly because they really were men of heroic mold but chiefly because they represented so compellingly the spirit of their time.

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  • Author Edmund Hillary
  • Quote

    I'm sure the feeling of fear, as long as you can take advantage of it and not be rendered useless by it, can make you extend yourself beyond what you would regard as your capacity. If you're afraid, the blood seems to flow freely through the veins, and you really do feel a sense of stimulation.

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