26 Quotes by Edward Carey
- Author Edward Carey
These were desperate times, the two men agreed; it was easy to stay at home and pull the bedcovers over your heads, but if nothing was done, someone would rip the bedcovers from your face and tug you naked into the street.
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- Author Edward Carey
She was always struggling over what was the best way to react. There were so many contradictions between what she was told and what she saw that she could only hesitatingly move forward, lacking, as she did, power and knowledge. She was a girl trying to make her way.
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- Author Edward Carey
Era una cosa lucida, era una cosa da stringere, e in qualche modo la vita ti sembra molto migliore quando hai qualcosa da stringere.
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- Author Edward Carey
This little box, this chapter, ends here, sealed tight from those others that surround it, so that those other people of different chapters may not come in here and disturb, so that its vault may be sealed up, never spilling beyond its boundaries but kept tight shut and precious, and Godly and triumphant, and wonderful too.
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- Author Edward Carey
Mi pantalonai.Me li infilai, come se stessi amputandomi le gambe.Adesso, mi dissi, per te tutto il mondo sarà in flanella grigia.L’avevo indossata, ne avevo fatto un sacco per chiuderci dentro l’infanzia. Come mi sentivo? Superiore? Vecchio? Saggio? Più pesante? Più forte? Mi trovavo eretto e diretto e di bell’aspetto, lusingato e favorevolmente impressionato? No, per niente.
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- Author Edward Carey
Per questo, nel giorno della maniglia perduta, indugiavo con la faccia accostata alla finestra rotta, fantasticando su tutta quella gente dall’altro lato dei cumuli, chiedendomi se sarei mai riuscito a spingermi fino alla città laggiù, Forlichingham, a Londra, immaginando che ci fosse qualcuno dietro tutta quella gente, qualcuno che potesse apprezzarmi.«C’è qualcuno,» sussurrai, «c’è qualcuno lì? Chi sei? Come sei fatto?»
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- Author Edward Carey
Here is a truth: people are very fascinated by themselves.
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- Author Edward Carey
«Ma come hai fatto capirlo, Clod?» si erano stupiti i miei parenti. «Come hai fatto a capire che la spilla da balia era lì?»«L’ho sentita gridare,» avevo risposto.
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- Author Edward Carey
Every new writing project, every new artistic project, needs to be protected so it can grow on its own before it begins to creep out into the world.
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