55 Quotes by Edward Hopper
- Author Edward Hopper
There is a sort of elation about sunlight on the upper part of a house.
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- Author Edward Hopper
I have tried to present my sensations in what is the most congenial and impressive form possible to me.
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- Author Edward Hopper
I trust Winsor and Newton and I paint directly upon it.
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- Author Edward Hopper
If the picture needs varnishing later, I allow a restorer to do that, if there's any restoring necessary.
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- Author Edward Hopper
If the technical innovations of the Impressionists led merely to a more accurate representation of nature, it was perhaps of not much value in enlarging their powers of expression.
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- Author Edward Hopper
It's to paint directly on the canvas without any funny business, as it were, and I use almost pure turpentine to start with, adding oil as I go along until the medium becomes pure oil. I use as little oil as I can possibly help, and that's my method.
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- Author Edward Hopper
Well, I have a very simple method of painting.
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- Author Edward Hopper
If I had the energy, I would have done it all over the county.
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- Author Edward Hopper
I use a retouching varnish which is made in France, Libert, and that's all the varnish I use.
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