57 Quotes by Edward Weiss

"The person of God walks the edge; one side virtue, the other, vice."


"Those raised poorly end up hating their parents. They hate them until they realize... they could not help themselves. Just like us, they fall short. By honoring our parents, we honor the humanity in ourselves, and learn to not only forgive them, but also ourselves for having judged them so harshly."


"All have problems. But those who rely on God breathe easier. How? They don’t allow mistakes in the world to define who they are. Instead, they lean on ‘what’ they are and the worries of the world bounce off them."


"When God is enough for you, the doors of heaven open wide."


"Find your freedom in God, and have your heaven on Earth"


"Prayer is your treasure here on Earth! With it, you are never alone. Without it, it’s easy to get lost. This is why the wise make time for prayer. And that is time always well spent."


"Prayer serves as a reminder, that you are not God"


"Dare to love God more than the world"


"Those who choose God 'have' God"


"Exchange the burden of the world, for the peace of God."
