57 Quotes by Edward Weiss
"To stay on the path means to love God more than the world. To do this you have to let go of power, control, and self-will. A tall order as most pursue happiness on Earth, not freedom in God. Those who have this freedom want for nothing, are content, and live a blessed life."
"The most important choice we have is whether to put God or the world first. If we put the world first, we fall and move into bondage. This happens over and over again until it is learned - there is only partial satisfaction here. For complete satisfaction, we must know what we are in God. The world pulls us in and we forget. We go to sleep and remain in bondage. Prayer is a potent tool. We ask for nothing but to know God's holy presence and when it happens, the Earth trembles"
"Your life is not your own. It belongs to God. Here is the viewpoint of the free! They are able to share in God's glory because they don't take unto themselves what is not theirs. As it once was, it can be again."
"Life has no purpose. It just 'is.' This is the 'secret' children know and adults forget as they launch head first into a life of compulsion and bondage as they pursue the world. Children do not appropriate and are free. Adults desire the wrong things and throw themselves into exile."
"Giving life 'purpose' is anthropomorphism. It is our own desire for ends or completion. The door is already open. There is nothing to complete, only to know. Heaven on Earth is here."
"Do you know why God loves the world? Because the world is not apart from God and it would be impossible for God to not love himself."
"The way to freedom is not with force but with love. Do not fight the world. Do not battle it. Forgive it. Then move towards the freedom that can only be found in God"
"Everything belongs to God. Here is the wisdom children already know and adults struggle to remember. Nothing is ours. A bitter pill for those who pursue the world, but a sweet remedy for those who desire freedom above all else."
"The world is the great temptation. The great test. Those who chase the world have the world, but those who desire God above all else have peace of spirit. They made the choice to be free rather than happy."