152 Quotes by Elias Canetti

  • Author Elias Canetti
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    Le nostre paure non vanno mai perdute, anche se i loro nascondigli sono misteriosi. Forse, di tutte le cose del mondo, nulla si evolve e si trasforma meno della paura. Quando penso ai miei primi anni, per prima cosa ritrovo le paure di cui essi abbondarono in maniera inesauribile. Molte le ritrovo soltanto ora, mentre in altre, che non troverò mai, risiede presumibilmente il segreto che mi fa desiderare una vita interminabile.

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  • Author Elias Canetti
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    The Englishman likes to imagine himself at sea, the German in a forest. It is impossible to express the difference of their national feeling more concisely.

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  • Author Elias Canetti
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    The business friend did not recognize the sewerman, which was not surprising as the man's face was no more than a shining turd.

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  • Author Elias Canetti
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    Yapıyorlar, ama ne yaptıklarının bilincinde değiller, birtakım alışkanlıklar edinmişler, ama bunun nedenini bilmiyorlar; ömürleri boyunca dolaşıp durdukları halde yollarını bulamıyorlar: kitleden ayrılamayan, koyun gibi onun peşinden gidenler için doğaldır bunların tümü. Sy123

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  • Author Elias Canetti
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    The profoundest thoughts of the philosophers have something trickle about them. A lot disappears in order for something to suddenly appear in the palm of the hand.

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  • Author Elias Canetti
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    One should not confuse the craving for life with endorsement of it.

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  • Author Elias Canetti
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    Rulers who want to unleash war know very well that they must procure or invent a first victim.

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  • Author Elias Canetti
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    Whether or not God is dead: it is impossible to keep silent about him who was there for so long.

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