55 Quotes by Eliot Schrefer

  • Author Eliot Schrefer
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    But it had always been my mom’s philosophy that the way we treat animals goes hand in hand with the way we treat people, and so she would dedicate her life to stopping men like this one, bushmeat traders hoping for sale.

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  • Author Eliot Schrefer
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    As I finished the bed, thinking it looked surprisingly comfortable, a terrible black feeling came over me and I shuddered, aching at the sudden loneliness. I missed my new family.

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  • Author Eliot Schrefer
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    My feet hurt, I was light-headed with stress and bad meals, and the idea of perhaps eating real food and sitting in a chair – or even sleeping in a bed! – sounded like bliss.

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  • Author Eliot Schrefer
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    The smell coming off my flesh had gone from simple stinkiness to something weird and almost appetizing, close to sour-cream-and-onion potato chips.

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  • Author Eliot Schrefer
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    General Gar, the leader of the Conquerors, was waiting for them. The Devourer.

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  • Author Eliot Schrefer
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    Since the bigger gorillas leave chimps only a fraction of the quantity of food bonobos get, each chimp must fight ferociously to survive, including killing other chimpanzees.

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  • Author Eliot Schrefer
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    If she dares attack, I will pounce behind her triangular head like a mongoose, and shake until she can move no more. That will be my reply to her.” Conor.

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  • Author Eliot Schrefer
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    She might have received more formal training than he had, might have more breeding and etiquette, but right here, right now, he would have outclassed her. Meilin desperately wished he could be alongside her. It.

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