403 Quotes by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- Author Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The beautiful seems right by force of beauty and the feeble wrong because of weakness.
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- Author Elizabeth Barrett Browning
A man may love a woman perfectly, and yet by no means ignorantly maintain a thousand women have not larger eyes. Enough that she alone has looked at him with eyes that, large or small, have won his soul.
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- Author Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The large white owl that with eye is blind, That hath sate for years in the old tree hollow, Is carried away in a gust of wind.
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- Author Elizabeth Barrett Browning
What is genius but the power of expressing a new individuality?
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- Author Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Think, in mounting higher, the angels would press on us, and aspire to drop some golden orb of perfect song into our deep, dear silence.
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- Author Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Wall must get the weather stain Before they grow the ivy.
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- Author Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Greeks said grandly in their tragic phrase, 'Let no one be called happy till his death;' to which I would add, 'Let no one, till his death, be called unhappy.'
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- Author Elizabeth Barrett Browning
My future will not copy my fair past, I wrote that once. And, thinking at my side my ministering life-angel justified the word by his appealing look upcast to the white throne of God.
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- Author Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Do ye hear the children weeping, O my brothers?
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