407 Quotes by Elizabeth Gaskell

  • Author Elizabeth Gaskell
  • Quote

    There have been such strange unexpected changes in my life during these last two years, that I feel more than ever that it is not worth while to calculate too closely what I should do if any future event took place. I try to think only upon the present.

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  • Author Elizabeth Gaskell
  • Quote

    That night Mr. Hale laid his head down on the pillow on which it never more should stir with life. The servant who entered his room in the morning, received no answer to his speech; drew near the bed, and saw the calm, beautiful face lying white and cold under the ineffaceable seal of death. The attitude was exquisitely easy; there had been no pain – no struggle. The action of the heart must have ceased as he lay down.

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  • Author Elizabeth Gaskell
  • Quote

    His greatest comfort was in hugging his torment; and in feeling, as he had indeed said to her, that though she might despise him, contemn him, treat him with her proud sovereign indifference, he did not change one whit. She could not make him change. He loved her and would love her; and defy her, and this miserable bodily pain.

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  • Author Elizabeth Gaskell
  • Quote

    There was no need to struggle for their respect. He had it, and he knew it; and the security of this gave a fine grand quietness to his voice and ways, which Margaret had missed before. He.

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  • Author Elizabeth Gaskell
  • Quote

    He went along the crowded streets mechanically, winding in and out among the people, but never seeing them, – almost sick with longing for that one half-hour – that one brief space of time when she clung to him, and her heart beat against his – to come once again.

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  • Author Elizabeth Gaskell
  • Quote

    Oh, my Margaret – my Margaret! no one can tell what you are to me! Dead – cold as you lie there you are the only woman I ever loved! Oh, Margaret – Margaret!

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  • Author Elizabeth Gaskell
  • Quote

    Man, through all ages of revolving time, Unchanging man, in every varying clime, Deems his own land of every land the pride, Beloved by heaven o’er all the world beside; Home, the spot of earth supremely blest, A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.

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  • Author Elizabeth Gaskell
  • Quote

    But with the increase of serious and just ground of complaint, a new kind of patience had sprung up in her Mother’s mind. She was gentle and quiet in intense bodily suffering, almost in proportion as she had been restless and depressed when there had been no real cause for grief.

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  • Author Elizabeth Gaskell
  • Quote

    I don’t know – I suppose because, on the very face of it, I see two classes dependent on each other in every possible way, yet each evidently regarding the interests of the other as opposed to their own; I never lived in a place before where there were two sets of people always running each other down.

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