530 Quotes by Elton John
"I think performers are all show-offs anyway, especially musicians. Unless you show off, you're not going to get noticed."
"I've played in Biloxi many times. I'm just glad we can do a little something for those people's lives that will never be the same again for many, many years. God bless them."
"Anyone who lip-synchs in public on stage when you pay 75 pounds to see them should be shot."
"...I'm so over the tattoos and the T-shirts and rings through the noses. It's not pretty, it's not pleasant, it's not exciting. Please stop it now."
"People with HIV are still stigmatized. The infection rates are going up. People are dying. The political response is appalling. The sadness of it, the waste."
"I used to take hostages in my relationships and not let people be independent. It always ended in disaster, because you take away people's identity and they end up full of resentment."
"I went up to Prince and said 'I'm a big fan of your stuff' and he looked at me and just walked off...left me standing there like a ****. He's a prat, but a clever prat."
"This is our tribute to those people. We're very proud to be here and we hope we can do justice by playing our very best."