129 Quotes by Emma Cline

  • Author Emma Cline
  • Quote

    There are survivors of disasters whose accounts never begin with the tornado warning or the captain announcing engine failure, but always much earlier in the timeline: an insistence that they noticed a strange quality to the sunlight that morning or excessive static in their sheets. A meaningless fight with a boyfriend. As if the presentiment of catastrophe wove itself into everything that came before.

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  • Author Emma Cline
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    I was already starting to understand that other people’s admiration asked something of you. That you had to shape yourself around it.

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  • Author Emma Cline
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    How drugs patchworked simple, banal thoughts into phrases that seemed filled with importance. My glitchy adolescent brain was desperate for causalities, for conspiracies that drenched every word, every gesture, with meaning. I wanted Russell to be a genius.

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  • Author Emma Cline
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    I remember noticing for the first time how loud she was, her voice hard with silly aggressiveness. Connie with her whines and feints, the grating laugh that sounded, and was, practiced. A space opened up between us as soon as I started to notice these things, to catalog her shortcomings the way a boy would. I regret how ungenerous I was. As if by putting distance between us, I could cure myself of the same disease.

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  • Author Emma Cline
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    Poor Sasha. Poor girls. The world fattens them on the promise of love. How badly they need it, and how little most of them will ever get. The treacled pop songs, the dresses described in the catalogs with words like ‘sunset’ and ‘Paris.’ Then the dreams are taken away with such violent force; the hand wrenching the buttons of the jeans, nobody looking at the man shouting at his girlfriend on the bus.

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  • Author Emma Cline
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    These long-haired girls seemed to glide above all that was happening around them, tragic and separate. Like royalty in exile. I.

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  • Author Emma Cline
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    I should get rid of the photo, I knew, the image already charged with the guilty air of evidence. But I couldn’t. I turned the picture over, burying it in a book I’d never read again. The second photo was of the smeary back of someone’s head, turning away, and I stared at the image for a long moment before I realized the person was me.

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  • Author Emma Cline
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    There wasn’t that much difference. Between me and the other girls.

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  • Author Emma Cline
  • Quote

    She was lost in that deep and certain sense that there was nothing beyond her own experience.

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