61 Quotes by Enoch Powell

  • Author Enoch Powell
  • Quote

    I hope those who shouted “Fascist” and “Nazi” are aware that before they were born I was fighting against Fascism and Nazism.

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  • Author Enoch Powell
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    I do not keep a diary. Never have. To write a diary every day is like returning to one’s own vomit.

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  • Author Enoch Powell
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    If I cannot understand my friend’s silence, I will never get to understand his words.

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  • Author Enoch Powell
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    Lift the curtain and ‘the State’ reveals itself as a little group of fallible men in Whitehall, making guesses about the future, influenced by political prejudices and partisan prejudices, and working on projections drawn from the past by a staff of economists.

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  • Author Enoch Powell
  • Quote

    A little nonsense now and then is not a bad thing – where would we politicians be if we were not allowed to talk it sometimes.

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  • Author Enoch Powell
  • Quote

    Have you ever wondered, perhaps, why opinions which the majority of people quite naturally hold are, if anyone dares express them publicly, denounced as ‘controversial, ‘extremist’, ‘explosive’, ‘disgraceful’, and overwhelmed with a violence and venom quite unknown to debate on mere political issues? It is because the whole power of the aggressor depends upon preventing people from seeing what is happening and from saying what they see.

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  • Author Enoch Powell
  • Quote

    It depends on how you define the word “racialist.” If you mean being conscious of the differences between men and nations, and from that, races, then we are all racialists. However, if you mean a man who despises a human being because he belongs to another race, or a man who believes that one race is inherently superior to another, then the answer is emphatically “No”.

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