647 Quotes by Erich Fromm

  • Author Erich Fromm
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    Další charakterový rys sadisty tkví v tom, že ho vždy přitahují jen bezmocní, nikdy silní jedinci. Tak například zranit protivníka v boji dvou stejně silných jedinců není zdrojem sadistického potěšení, protože poranění v takové situaci není výrazem nadvlády nad obětí. Pro sadistický charakter existuje jen jedna věc hodná obdivu, a tou je moc. Obdivuje a miluje mocné, hrbí se před nimi, ale pohrdá bezmocnými, kteří se neumí bránit, a chce je ovládnout.

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  • Author Erich Fromm
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    Sadista se chce stát pánem života, a proto je nutné, aby jeho oběť žila. To ho právě odlišuje od destruktivního člověka. Ten chce druhého člověka odstranit, usmrtit, chce zničit samotný život, chce život ovládat a přiškrcovat.

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  • Author Erich Fromm
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    La raison découle du mélange de la pensée rationnelle et des sentiments. Si les deux fonctions se dissocient, la pensée se détériore en activité intellectuelle schizoïde et les sentiments en passions névrotiques autodestructrices.

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  • Author Erich Fromm
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    Freud was so imbued with the spirit of his culture that he could not go beyond certain limits which were set by it. These very limits became limitations for his understanding even of the sick individual; they handicapped his understanding of the normal individual and of the irrational phenomena operating in social life.

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  • Author Erich Fromm
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    Love is the active concern for the life and the growth of that which we love. Where this active concern is lacking, there is no love.

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  • Author Erich Fromm
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    There is hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations, and yet, which fails so regularly, as love.

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  • Author Erich Fromm
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    Аз мога да се избавя от чувството за собственото си безсилие по отношение на външният свят, като го разруша. Разбира се ако постигна тази си цел, пак ще остана сам и изолиран, но това ще бъде една разкошна изолация, в която няма опасност да бъда сразен от непреодолимата сила на обекти извън мен.

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  • Author Erich Fromm
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    The only way of full knowledge lies in the act of love; this act transcends thought, it transcends words. It is the daring plunge into the experience of union.

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  • Author Erich Fromm
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    For despite what some people say, love is not only a sweet falling bound to come and quickly go away.

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