"I am not biased against the rich because they are rich, but the most lively people are those without money who would like to have some."
"I portray myself as wicked, hoping I will not be regarded as wicked. But I may be wicked in the biblical sense."
"If they say I am inconsistent let them say it, for it is true, because inconsistency is a part of living."
"You can never trust a human being to behave as you would have expected in a given circumstance."
"I intend to live the first half of my life. I don’t care about the rest."
"I can’t imagine anything more stressful than monogamy."
"The rest of my life will be devoted to women and litigation."
"They’ve great respect for the dead in Hollywood, but none for the living."
"If there is anyone to whom I owe money, I’m prepared to forget it if they are."
"Someone, I don’t know who- it might have even been me- said, Any man at the age of twenty-five who is not a Communist has no heart: any man who is still is at the age of thirty-five has no head."