146 Quotes by Eugene O'Neill
- Author Eugene O'Neill
If dat ghost have money, I tells him never to haunt you less'n he wants to lose it!
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- Author Eugene O'Neill
The past is the present, isn't it? It's the future too.
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- Author Eugene O'Neill
I am so far from being a pessimist...on the contrary, in spite of my scars, I am tickled to death at life.
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- Author Eugene O'Neill
To hell with the truth! As the history of the world proves, the truth has no bearing on anything. It's irrelevant and immaterial, as the lawyers say. The lie of a pipe dream is what gives life to the whole misbegotten mad lot of us, drunk or sober.
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- Author Eugene O'Neill
I'm thinking 'tis only slaves do be giving heed to the day that's gone or the day to come.
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- Author Eugene O'Neill
Because any fool knows that to work hard at something you want to accomplish is the only way to be happy. But beyond that it is entirely up to you. You’ve got to do for yourself all the seeking and finding concerned with what you want to do. Anyone but yourself is useless to you there.
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- Author Eugene O'Neill
I'm sorry I remembered out loud.
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- Author Eugene O'Neill
He thinks money spent on a home is money wasted. He's lived too much in hotels. Never the best hotels, of course. Second-rate hotels. He doesn't understand a home. He doesn't feel at home in it. And yet, he wants a home. He's even proud of having this shabby place. He loves it here.
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- Author Eugene O'Neill
Why can’t you remember your Shakespeare and forget the third-raters. You’ll find what you’re trying to say in him- as you’ll find everything else worth saying. 'We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with sleep.''- 'Fine! That’s beautiful. But I wasn’t trying to say that. We are such stuff as manure is made on, so let’s drink up and forget it. That’s more my idea.
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