189 Quotes by Evgeny Morozov

  • Author Evgeny Morozov
  • Quote

    I spent two years in Palo Alto – what an awful, suffocating place for those of us who don’t care about yoga, yogurts and start-ups – and now I have moved to Cambridge, MA – which, in many respects, is like Palo Alto but a bit snarkier.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    Cyberattacks have become a permanent fixture on the international scene because they have become easy and cheap to launch. Basic computer literacy and a modest budget can go a long way toward invading a country’s cyberspace.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    I’m not on Facebook. I have a sort of anonymous account that I check, like, once every six months every time Facebook rolls out a new feature.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    In Google’s world, public space is just something that stands between your house and the well-reviewed restaurant that you are dying to get to.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    I want my government to do something about my privacy – I don’t want to just do it on my own.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    We need to start seeing privacy as a commons – as some kind of a public good that can get depleted as too many people treat it carelessly or abandon it too eagerly. What is privacy for? This question needs an urgent answer.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    Would you like all of your Facebook friends to sift through your trash? A group of designers from Britain and Germany think that you might. Meet BinCam: a ‘smart’ trash bin that aims to revolutionize the recycling process.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    North Korea aside, most authoritarian governments have already accepted the growth of the Internet culture as inevitable; they have little choice but to find ways to shape it in accord with their own narratives – or risk having their narratives shaped by others.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    Is there anything more self-defeating than using technology to free up your time – so that you can learn how to do an even better job at it?

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