189 Quotes by Evgeny Morozov

  • Author Evgeny Morozov
  • Quote

    If you trace the history of mankind, our evolution has been mediated by technology, and without technology it’s not really obvious where we would be. So I think we have always been cyborgs in this sense.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    My fear is that many institutions will eventually alter how they treat people who refuse to self-track. There are all sorts of political and moral implications here, and I’m not sure that we have grappled with any of them.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    In reality, quitting Facebook is much more problematic than the company’s executives suggest, if only because users cannot extract all the intangible social capital they have generated on the site and export it elsewhere.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    For all its shortcomings, Wikipedia does have strong governance and deliberative mechanisms; anyone who has ever followed discussions on Wikipedia’s mailing lists will confirm that its moderators and administrators openly discuss controversial issues on a regular basis.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    I’m rarely invited to start-up parties, but who cares about their trinkets and apps anyway?

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    I have no problem with technological solutions to social problems. The key question for me is, ‘Who gets to implement them?’ and, ‘What kinds of politics of reform do technological solutions smuggle through the back door?’

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
  • Quote

    Mobile phones are one of the most insecure devices that were ever available, so they’re very easy to trace; they’re very easy to tap.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
  • Quote

    If we don’t like rent control, we ought to oppose it on political and social grounds – and not just by arguing that, thanks to smartphones and social networks, we can create new, more efficient markets for matching short-term renters with tenants.

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  • Author Evgeny Morozov
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    Making loans accessible to millions of the previously unbankable customers is a noble goal. Getting them hooked to such loans isn’t.

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