331 Quotes by Ezra Pound

"A slave is one who waits for someone else to free him."


"Winter is icummen in,Lhude sing Goddamm,Raineth drop and staineth slopAnd how the wind doth ramm!Sing: Goddamm.Skiddeth bus and sloppeth us,An ague hath my ham.Freezeth river, turneth liverDamn you, sing: Goddamm.Goddamm, Goddamm, tis why I am,Goddamm.So 'gainst the winter's balmSing Goddamm, damm, sing GoddammSing Goddamm, sing Goddamm,DAMM."


"Never ", said Winston to his cousin" waste time making munitions.Be a GUN, and shoot other's munitions.Don't waste time having ideas."(cousin deeply impressed..butdid not achieve lasting preeminence)"


"Love thou thy dreamAll base love scorning,Love thou the windAnd here take warningThat dreams alone can truly be,For 'tis in dream I come to thee.Ezra Pound, The Songtrad. Ungaretti:Ama il tuo sogno Ama il tuo sognoOgni inferiore amore disprezzando,Il vento amaEd accorgiti quiChe i sogni solo possono veramente essere,Perciò in sogno a raggiungerti m’avvio."


"I once saw a small child go to an electric light switch as say, "Mamma, can I open the light?" She was using the age-old language of exploration, the language of art. It was a sort of metaphor, but she was not using it as ornamentation."


"Any general statement is like a cheque drawn on a bank. Its value depends on what is there to meet it."


"I wonder why the wind, even the wind doth seemTo mock me now, all night, all night, andHave I strayed among the cliffs hereThey say, some day I'll fallDown through the sea-bit fissures, and no moreKnow the warm cloak of sun, or batheThe dew across my tired eyes to comfort them.They try to keep me hid within four walls.I will not stay!"


"Either move or be moved."


"Usury is the cancer of the world, which only the surgeon's knife of fascism can cut out of the life of the nations."


"Adolf Hitler was a Jeanne d'Arc, a saint. He was a martyr."
