1,417 Quotes by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
All she wanted was to be a little girl, to be efficiently taken care of by some yielding yet superior power, stupider and steadier than herself. It seemed that the only lover she had ever wanted was a lover in a dream
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Cada persona se cree dueña de al menos una de las virtudes cardinales, y ésta era la mía: soy una de las pocas personas honestas que conozco.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
When I see a beautiful shell like that I can't help feeling a regret about what's inside it.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
You don’t know what a trial it is to be —like me. I've got to keep my face like steel in the street to keep men from winking at me.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
A breeze blew through the room, blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags, twisting them up towards the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling, and then rippled over the wine-coloured rug, making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
We’re going to play football and nothing but football. If you don’t want to play football, you can’t play at all.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Astenersi dal giudicare implica un’infinita speranza.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Durante il fragoroso decollo Dick si sentì intorpidito, rendendosi conto di quanto fosse stanco. Un’enorme persuasiva tranquillità s’impossessò di lui, e lasciò la malattia ai malati, il rumore ai motori, la direzione ai piloti.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
I learned a little of beauty-- enough to know that it had nothing to do with truth...
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