1,417 Quotes by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
The best of America drifts to Paris. The American in Paris is the best American. It is more fun for an intelligent person to live in an intelligent country. France has the only two things toward which we drift as we grow older—intelligence and good manners.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
He seduces her because she is slipping away - she lets herself be seduced because of overwhelming admiration. Once settled, it is sensual, breathless, immediate, then gentle and tender for a while.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Her bedroom had seemed so pink and young and delicate, appropriate to her pastel-shaded lingerie tossed here and there on chair and bed.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Солнце с каждым днём пригревало сильней, почки распускались прямо на глазах, как в кино при замедленной съёмке, и во мне уже крепла знакомая, приходившая каждое лето уверенность, что жизнь начинается сызнова.Ник Кэррэвэй"Великий Гэтсби
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
- ...люди не могут жить без мечты...Салли Кэррол - Гарри Беллами"Ледяной дворец
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Do you ever wait for the longest day of the year and then miss it? I always wait for the longest day of the year and then miss it!
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
When I'm with you, I don't breathe quite right.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
He held her hand and she gave him such a look that he whispered her name aloud.
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