38 Quotes by Faith Baldwin

"We may differ widely in environments, education, learning, knowledge, or lack of it, and in our personalities, our likes and dislikes. But if we set ourselves the task, we’ll find a meeting place somehow and somewhere."


"From one hour to the next a life may change... But as I have thought and said for years, acceptance is a key to strength and practice makes it easier."


"I’ve always thought that the most perfect fate which could befall any woman would be to be born a rich widow."


"We learn from joy but also from grief; we learn from achievement, but just as much from failure; and what we learn from grief and failure is, after a while, to be grateful... All of us, young and old, learn more from obstacles than from the smooth path and from bracing ourselves against sudden harsh winds than from the undisturbed weather."


"I’ve known a lot of alleged failures in my time and many of them, in losing what the world has always considered success, have achieved in facing up to failure, more than they ever achieved when they were considered successful."


"One of the dreariest spots on life’s road is the point of conviction that nothing will ever again happen to you."


"A joy in living, a natural expression of the will to survive all personal disaster, can be constant despite whatever changes take place. Some fortunate people are born with it and others acquire it through learning and growth."


"All of us have a hundred faces, attitudes, and facets of personality. I don’t think anyone is all of one piece. We’re more like the patchwork quilts I love, little bits and pieces, bright or dark, sewed together with the sometimes uneven stitches of experience."
