579 Quotes by Fran Lebowitz
- Author Fran Lebowitz
London: A place you go to get bronchitis.
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- Author Fran Lebowitz
Albert Einstein didn't care where he lived. Albert Einstein was a genius. Albert Einstein wasn't getting lost in the master bedroom, he was lost in thought.
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- Author Fran Lebowitz
They know you can't get people to stop smoking, so they develop a system of informants. That's the whole idea of second-hand smoke, you know. Make second-hand smoke dangerous and turn everybody against smokers. Then they say you can't even smoke in a bar -- a bar! -- because bartenders have a right to a smoke-free "workspace." Ah, bartenders, those health nuts ...
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- Author Fran Lebowitz
When people say, 'Doesn't Gloria [Vanderbilt] look great? She's 85.' I say, 'Yes, she was a raving beauty when she was 20,' that's the key. Very helpful.
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- Author Fran Lebowitz
The first step in having any successful war is getting people to fight it.
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- Author Fran Lebowitz
Even when America is not working that well, it still works better than other places. F
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- Author Fran Lebowitz
You should make it hard on yourself to write so you’re easier to read.
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- Author Fran Lebowitz
When I'm supposed to be writing I clean my apartment, take my clothes to the laundry, get organized, make lists, do the dishes. I would never do a dish unless I had to write.
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- Author Fran Lebowitz
[Friendships] are easy to get out of compared to love affairs, but they are not easy to get out of compared to, say, jail.
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