174 Quotes by Frances Hardinge

  • Author Frances Hardinge
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    C'era una vera e propria fame in lei, e alle ragazze non si cnfaceva essere fameliche. Le ragazze dovevano sbocconcellare con parsimonia a tavola. e le loro menti dovevano accontentarsi di una dieta morigerata. Ma tutto questo a lei non bastava. Tutta la conoscenza - ogni genere di conoscenza - attirava Faith, e c'era un piacere delizioso, pernicioso, nel carpirla senza essere scoperta.

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  • Author Frances Hardinge
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    The female mind is a different thing altogether,” he added quickly, “and quite delightful in its own right! But too much intellect would spoil and flatten it, like a rock in a soufflé.

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  • Author Frances Hardinge
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    Makepeace felt something in her chest wrench, and wondered if it was her heart breaking. She waited to see how that would feel. Perhaps hearts broke like eggs, and spilt, and stopped working. But all she felt was numb. 'Perhaps my heart already broke and never grew back.

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