40 Quotes by Francesco Guicciardini

  • Author Francesco Guicciardini
  • Quote

    Ferdinando [King of Naples] resolv’d, in good Earnest, to try how to compromise the Affair of the Castles; being persuaded, that that when this Obstacle was remov'd, Matters would easily return into the fame peaceable Channel. But by removing the Causes, the Effects that sprung from them are not always remov'd. For, as it frequently happens, that Resolutions taken out of Fear seldom appear sufficient to the Fearful.

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  • Author Francesco Guicciardini
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    [[of Ludovico Szforza] He was become immoderately vain, and little considering the Inconstancy of Human Affairs, was wont to say ‘He was the Son of Fortune and could manage his Mother as he pleased.

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  • Author Francesco Guicciardini
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    But it is dangerous to follow Examples, if they do not correspond in the most material Circumstances with the present State of our Affairs; are not conducted with equal Judgment, or attended with the like Prospect of Success.

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  • Author Francesco Guicciardini
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    Guardate quanto gli uomini ingannano loro medesimi: ciascuno reputa brutti e peccati che lui non fa, leggieri quegli che fa; e con questa regola si misura spesso el male e el bene, più che col considerare e gradi e qualità delle cose.

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  • Author Francesco Guicciardini
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    Né e pazzi né e savi non possono finalmente resistere a quello che ha a essere: però io non lessi mai cosa che mi paressi meglio detta che quella che disse colui: "Ducunt volentes fata, nolentes trahunt".

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  • Author Francesco Guicciardini
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    One who imitates what is bad always goes beyond his model; while one who imitates what is good always comes up short of it.

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