104 Quotes by Franchesca Ramsey
- Author Franchesca Ramsey
If you're brave enough to search 'Franchesca Ramsey' on YouTube, you'll find a sea of ranting white dudes pinning the 'angry black woman' stereotype onto my smiling face.
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- Author Franchesca Ramsey
I initially started making videos about my hair because I was struggling to style it and didn't know where to find help. Similarly, I started creating comedy content and doing characters and talking about things that were important to me because I didn't find a place to do that in the career that I wanted as an actress.
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- Author Franchesca Ramsey
I think doing research is probably the most valuable thing you can do for any career you're interested in pursuing, and not just a career on YouTube or in media. Really take a look at people whose careers you admire and learning from their successes, but also their mistakes.
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- Author Franchesca Ramsey
What's really great about social media is we have tremendous access, and there's a wealth of information about the people that we admire online.
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- Author Franchesca Ramsey
I enjoy working out because I struggle with anxiety, and exercise has been a great way for me to combat that.
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- Author Franchesca Ramsey
'Lemonade' resonated with me, and I love the direction Beyonce is going with her music and her career.
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- Author Franchesca Ramsey
People feel really uncomfortable talking about race and identity, largely because the subject is so taboo.
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- Author Franchesca Ramsey
I don't want to tell anybody who to vote for; I'd rather people just do their homework and make sure they vote for the person that they feel like is best to run our country.
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- Author Franchesca Ramsey
Do not feed the trolls! Racist commenters usually troll the Internet looking for people of color to harass online. If you avoid responding, oftentimes they will get bored and move on.
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