127 Quotes by Friedrich Dürrenmatt
- Author Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Only the freedom of mind can prevent the state from becoming totalitarian and from issuing totalitarian demands.
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- Author Friedrich Dürrenmatt
The evolution of humans can not only be seen as the grand total of their wars; it is also defined by the evolution of the human mind and the development of the human consciousness.
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- Author Friedrich Dürrenmatt
This inhuman world has to become more humane. But how?
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- Author Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Pretend to be dumb, that's the only way to reach old age.
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- Author Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Revolutions demand enormous sacrifices and, at the same time, create a new need to change the world again.
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- Author Friedrich Dürrenmatt
A story is not finished, until it took the worst turn.
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- Author Friedrich Dürrenmatt
There are risks which are not acceptable: the destruction of humanity is one of them
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- Author Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Everything in the world can be changed, my dear Florestan, but the human being.
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- Author Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Communism is a proposition to structure the world more reasonably, a proposition for changing the world. As such, we have to analyze it and, if we deem it reasonable, act upon it.
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