100 Quotes by Fuad Alakbarov
"How old would you be if you did not know your exact age?"
"Qarabag could easily adopt Barcelona’s 'més que un club' motto, as they stand gallantly as the descendants of a great tragedy, simultaneously symbolising hope and pride. The club are a poignant reminder of how war torments and ravages civilisation but ceases to kill the spirit."
"No aspect of life has gone untouched by the war in Azerbaijan’s west — not even football."
"The Nagorno-Karabakh war transformed Aghdam from a vibrant city of 40,000 inhabitants with fancy teahouses and Soviet bloc high-rises to the world’s largest ghost town, with 6,000 people killed and many more lives ruined."
"Football becomes rather insignificant in the face of the viciousness of conflict and there are many in Azerbaijan who has suffered a far worse fate than those involved with Qarabag.But bearing the Karabakh horses on their chests, Qarabag players are the voice of a displaced refugees, and this the tale of a team that just wouldn’t give up."
"I love the fact that Baku’s the first place I’ve ever lived where there’s a real sense of community. People care about their neighbors."
"I discovered myself through traveling. Azerbaijan taught me how to love humanity. Scotland taught me how to fight for humanity."
"When the British Empire turned their back on millions of Irish dying during the Great Famine, Muslim nations sent food relief."