868 Quotes by Gabriel García Márquez
- Author Gabriel García Márquez
Gli bastò un interrogatorio insidioso, prima a lui e poi alla madre, per constatare un'ennesima volta che i sintomi dell'amore sono gli stessi del colera.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
Gli ricordò che i deboli non sarebbero mai entrati nel regno dell'amore, che è un regno inclemente e meschino, e che le donne si concedono solo agli uomini dall'animo risoluto, perché infondono loro la sicurezza che tanto bramano per affrontare la vita.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
Ben diversa sarebbe stata la vita per tutti e due se avessero saputoper tempo che era più facile eludere le grandi catastrofi matrimonialiche le minuscole miserie di ogni giorno. Ma se avevano imparatoqualcosa insieme era che la saggezza ci arriva quando non serve più anulla.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
Lo guardò negli occhi: «Non teme di dannarsi?»«Credo di esserlo già, ma non per lo Spirito Santo» disse Delaura senza allarme «Ho sempre creduto che tiene da conto più l'amore che la fede.»
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
Lo único que me duele de morir, es que no sea de amor.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
How strange men are.' she said, because she could not think of anything else to say. 'They spend their lives fighting against priests and then give prayer books as gifts.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
So for now wave good-bye leave your hands held high
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. At that time, Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs. The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and in order to indicate them it was necessary to point.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
he connected the mechanism for the clock to a mechanical ballerina,and the toy danced uninterruptedly to the rhythm of her own music for three days.That discovery excited him so much more than any of his other hair-brained undertakings
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