112 Quotes by Gail Honeyman

"I was hurtling towards 40, and I'd always wanted to write. It does focus your mind, heading towards that big birthday. If there is anything you think you want to do, you think, 'I probably should have a go now!'"


"The workplace can be a good place to find opportunities to socialise, but what if you don't meet any like-minded people there, or what if you work alone? Is it, somewhat counter-intuitively, easier to find yourself lonely in a city than in a small town or village?"


"I had been thinking about social awkwardness and about people you meet who are not bad people - there is nothing wrong with them, but they are just a little bit awkward, and it makes you feel uncomfortable, and it makes you want to bring the encounter to an end. I thought, 'Is there a reason for that? What has contributed to their demeanour?'"


"If you break things down to goodies and baddies, the baddies are always a bit more alluring in fiction, and that's true from a narrative point of view. But I wanted to write a novel about real life, and real life is a bit more nuanced than that."


"I've always found Glasgow to be a wonderful city - warm and funny and full of kindness."


"Even with the most horrendous things that happen and the tremendous pain that people have to deal with, they still laugh, because I think that's what it means to be human."


"As a little girl, I used to write stories, but by my teenage years, I got out of the habit."


"If I've helped fuel the debate on loneliness in some small way, that is wonderful."


"I wanted to show platonic friendship between men and women, because I think it is underutilised in fiction."


"It's helpful to get feedback on your work, and I think you learn a lot from reading other people's work and giving them feedback."
