112 Quotes by Gail Honeyman

"He wasn't mad. He just didn't have any socks on."


"Hay gente, débil, que le teme a la soledad; lo que no logran comprender es que en realidad tiene una parte muy liberadora: una vez que entiendes que no necesitas a nadie, puedes ocuparte de ti mismo. Ahí está el tema: es mejor ocuparse solamente de uno mismo. No puedes proteger a los demás, por mucho que te esfuerces. Lo intentas y lo intentas pero, cuando finalmente fracasas, se te cae el mundo encima y arde hasta reducirse a cenizas."


"I was ready to rise from the ashes and be reborn."


"I'd spent more in these last few weeks than I usually spent in a year. Social interaction, it appeared, was surprisingly expensive - the travel, the clothes, the drinks, the lunches, the gifts."


"He seemed very out of breath, placed both items gently on my hall carpet without being asked, and started to take off his jacket, still puffing and blowing like a beached porpoise. Smoking kills."


"She was, quite simply, a nice lady who'd raised a family and now lived quietly with her cats and grew vegetables. This was both nothing and everything."


"I felt like a newly laid egg, all swishy and gloopy inside, and so fragile that the slightest pressure could break me. There was already an e-mail waiting for me by the time I sat down at my desk."


"Social interaction, it appeared, was surprisingly expensive."


"My hair was mousy brown, parted in the center, straight and not particularly thick. Human hair, doing what human hair does: growing on my head."


"Después de tres años...ya podría haberse dado cuenta antes de que yo no era suficiente para ella. No sé qué cambió. Yo no cambié...O al menos eso creo."
