112 Quotes by Gail Honeyman

"When people ask me what I do--taxi drivers, hairdressers--I tell them I work in an office."


"He had rather seemed to enjoy my monologue while we were waiting for the ambulance; well, insofar as I could tell, given that he was unconscious."


"Lo del funeral es una gran distracción, te mantiene atareado con los trámites, las decisiones estúpidas sobre si scones o galletas, himnos [...] Pero los días y semanas que siguen...Ahí es cuando se te cae el mundo encima."


"Las cosas que yo he visto no pueden ser desvistas. Las cosas que he hecho no pueden ser deshechas."


"My eye was drawn to a bright green hue, the same shade as a poisonous Amazonian frog, the tiny, delightfully deadly ones."


"Me va bien. Es solo que...No sé. Ella decía que yo era demasiado bueno. ¿Qué significa eso exactamente? A ver...¿tengo que ser más cabrón? ¿Tendría que haberle pegado o engañado?"


"I wondered, however, whether I might be better off waiting to see what happened at the gig before taking things to an epistolary level. There was no need to be reckless."


"Este tipo de pequeñas casualidades pueden salpicar de interés una vida."


"I’m so sorry.” We both spoke the words at exactly the same time. We tried again, and the same thing happened. Suddenly, I laughed, and he did too. Short bursts, at first, and then for longer. It was proper, genuine laughter, the kind that makes your whole body shake. My mouth was wide open, my breath slightly wheezy, my eyes shut tight. I felt vulnerable, and yet very relaxed and comfortable. I imagined that vomiting or going to the lavatory in front of him would feel the same way."


"Stavo per salire sul palcoscenico e recitare la mia parte. Però non stavo recitando. Sono un'attrice terribile, perché per natura non sono una dissimulatrice o una truffatrice."
