54 Quotes by Gary North

"Jesus was not denying the legitimacy of biblical law. On the contrary, He was affirming biblical law. We love God first; God commands us to keep His word; therefore, we must enforce the law on ourselves."


"Jesus Christ is our supreme commander, but He operates only through His word, which is unquestionably a training manual. However, He has many interpreters, and few people see the Bible as a true training manual."


"What the ten commandments set forth is a strategy. This strategy is a strategy for dominion."


"God calls men to be imitators of His son, Jesus Christ, to conform themselves to Christ's image (1 Cor. 15:49). They are to work out the salvation that God gives them, and they are to do this with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12). This kind of steady improvement involves upward mobility: spiritual improvement, at the very least, but also economic and social mobility."


"There are still economic illiterates out there who think that a catastrophe is good for business. After all, it will lead to increased employment in the construction industry. But this analysis ignores the fact that nobody was ready to spend this kind of money voluntarily prior to the hurricane. There are winners, but there are far more losers."


"It all rolls up and I think in the final analysis somewhere it's going to hit the consumer."


"Our critics so far have been utterly incompetent. How do I know this? Because I know the ""soft underbelly"" of the Christian Reconstruction position. Every insider knows where the weak chinks are in his movement's armor. The best test of a critic's mastery of his opponent's system is his ability to go straight for his opponent's weakest spots."


"This condition that exists in our harbors is not just a maritime industry problem, it's a problem for every resident, every business in Hawaii."


"It's going to create additional costs for us to operate our terminals and that costs will translate into price increases across the community."


"The New Testament tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are to deal with them in terms of God's law. We owe them such fair dealing."
