634 Quotes by Gary Vaynerchuk

  • Author Gary Vaynerchuk
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    People you meet on the way up, are the people you see on the way down

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  • Author Gary Vaynerchuk
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    Personal branding may not be an elementary school Career Day staple yet, but kids today know that making videos on YouTube, posting on Instagram, tweeting 280 characters, and snapping on Snapchat is a valid career path and that for some it can even bring fame and fortune

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  • Author Gary Vaynerchuk
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    Por favor indaga a profundidad en lo que mejor conoces, lo que más amas o, aun mejor, lo que mejor conoces y más amas

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  • Author Gary Vaynerchuk
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    Provide 51% of the value in a relationship, whether it’s with an employee, a client, or a stranger

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  • Author Gary Vaynerchuk
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    Publicly, they claim to be thrilled to have the opportunity to engage directly with their customers; privately, they suspect, maybe even fervently hope, that Facebook and its spawn are fads

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  • Author Gary Vaynerchuk
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    Questions to Ask About Your Twitter Content: Is it to the point? Is the hashtag unique and memorable? Is the image attached high quality? Does the voice sound authentic? Will it resonate with the Twitter audience?

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