128 Quotes by Gene Wilder

  • Author Gene Wilder
  • Quote

    I wanted to do – there was this film called ‘Magic’ that Anthony Hopkins did. And the director wanted me. The writer wanted me. Joe Levine said no, I don’t want any comedians in this.

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  • Author Gene Wilder
  • Quote

    I write funny. If I can make my wife laugh, I know I’m on the right track. But yes, I don’t like to get Maudlin. And I have a tendency towards it.

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  • Author Gene Wilder
  • Quote

    Actors fall into this trap if they missed being loved for who they really were and not for what they could do – sing, dance, joke about – then they take that as love.

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  • Author Gene Wilder
  • Quote

    But the acting process – create a human being – was real, not only to the audience, but real to me.

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  • Author Gene Wilder
  • Quote

    So my idea of neurotic is spending too much time trying to correct a wrong. When I feel that I’m doing that, then I snap out of it.

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  • Author Gene Wilder
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    I don’t mean to sound – I don’t want it to come out funny, but I don’t like show business. I love – I love acting in films. I love it.

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  • Author Gene Wilder
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    And in ‘Frisco Kid’ and in ‘The Woman in Red’ I had to ride badly. Then you have to really ride well in order to ride badly.

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  • Author Gene Wilder
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    I’d like to do a comedy with Emma Thompson. I admire her as an actress so much. I love her. And I didn’t know it until recently that her whole career started in comedy.

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