405 Quotes by Georgette Heyer

  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Do you like pets better than toys and books? I always did, so I thought very likely you would too.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Indeed, my fear is that my overbearing, self-willed ways may have given you a distaste of me which not all my future efforts may serve to eradicate.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    He wore very tight Inexpressibles, and very high and rigidly starched shirt-points, which made it hard for him to turn his head; and when he bowed a slight creaking betrayed that a swelling paunch was confined by stays.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    She laughed. ‘I hope he will enjoy good sport– though my small experience informs me that catching fish is not necessary for your true angler’s enjoyment.’ ‘Oh, no! But to lose a fish is quite another matter!’ ‘Certainly! One cannot wonder that it should cast even the most cheerful person into gloom, for it is always such an enormous one that escapes!’ ‘I begin to think you are yourself an angler, ma’am: you are so exactly right!

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Yet, after all, Jenny thought she had been granted more than she hoped for when she married him. He did love her: differently, but perhaps more enduringly; and he had grown to depend on her. She thought that they would have many years of quiet content: never reaching the heights, but living together in comfort and deepening friendship.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    He took her face between his hands, turning it up, and looking down at her for a moment before he kissed her. "I do love you, Jenny," he said gently. "Very much indeed-- you are part of my life. Julia was never that-only a boy's impractical dream.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    You are an atrocious person! Since the day I met you I have become steadily more depraved.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    He’s bookish,’ explained Sir Ralph, torn between pride in his son’s scholastic attainments and the horrid fear that he had fathered a miscreature. ‘Worst seat in the county! But there! No accounting for tastes, eh? Take my daughter, Lizzie! Never opened a book in her life, but rides with a light hand and an easy bit, and handles the reins in form.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Léonie, you will do well to consider. You are not the first woman in my life.’ She smiled through her tears. ‘Monseigneur, I would so much rather be the last woman than the first,’ she said.

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