405 Quotes by Georgette Heyer

  • Author Georgette Heyer
  • Quote

    It is dreadfully tedious to be obliged to listen to poetry, even when it has been composed in one’s honour. But in another– oh, Kit, you won’t understand, but to be three- and- forty, and still be able to attach foolish boys, is such a comfort!

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
  • Quote

    Ay, and what do you think he was doing when I walked in? Reading poetry to her! What a booberkin! I can tell you this, my boy: in my day we’d more rumgumption than to bore a pretty woman into a lethargy!

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    [...]if you talk any more flummery to me, Frederica, I shall give you one of my—er—icy set-downs!”(Alverstoke)

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Who are you? Or should I first present myself to you? I’m Damerel, you know.’ ‘Yes, so I supposed, at the outset of our delightful acquaintance. Later, of course, I was sure of it.’ ‘Oh, oh – ! My reputation, Iago, my reputation!’ he exclaimed, laughing again.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    You don't feel you could marry me instead? Got no brains, of course, and I ain't a handsome fellow, like Jack, but I love you. Don't think I could ever love anyone else.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Thought the world of you, did Kitten. Wouldn't hear a word against you; wouldn't even admit you can't drive well enough for the F.H.C. That shows you! Always seemed to me she only thought of pleasing you. If she took a fancy to do something she shouldn't, only had to tell her you wouldn't like it, and she'd abandon it on the instant. Used to put me in mind of that rhyme, or whatever it was, I learned when I was a youngster. Something about loving and giving: that was Kitten!

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
  • Quote

    Ferdy, who had been standing with his mouth open, staring, suddenly rose superbly to the occasion, and offered his arm to Hero with a graceful bow. 'Let me escort you back to the ballroom!' he said.'Yes, but- Sherry, you must not mind George's kissing me!' said Hero, looking from one to the other in a little dismay. 'Indeed, there was not the least harm in it, was there, George?''Dear Kitten,' promptly replied George, bowing with even more grace than Ferdy, 'there was much pleasure!

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