405 Quotes by Georgette Heyer

  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Don't keep on hovering round me, Spiddle! I can't abide hoverers!

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Would you believe it? – the instant she clapped eyes on me, she said that she saw I had taken to dyeing my hair! I was never more shocked, for it is quite untrue! It is not dyeing one’s hair merely to restore its colour when it begins to fade a little! I denied it, of course, but all she did was to give the horridest laugh, which made me feel ready to sink, as you may suppose!

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Y'know, dear old boy- not my business- but she don't mean an ounce of harm! Only saying to George last night; dear little soul! Not up to snuff at all!''No, my God!' agreed the Viscount feelingly.'Tell you what, Sherry: if I had a wife, which I'm deuced glad I haven't, I'd rather have one like your Kitten than all the Incomparables put together.''You would?' said Sherry, staring at him.'I would,' said Mr. Ringwood firmly.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Later, when she appeared before him in the sea-green gauze, he stared at her in great surprise, and said: By Jove, he had never thought she could look so well! Encouraged by this tribute, Hero showed him a cloak of green sarsnet trimmed with swansdown, which she had purchased that morning, and upon his expressing his unqualified approval of this garment, confided, a little nervously, that she feared he might, when he came to see the bill, think it a trifle dear.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    No one had ever looked at her just like that before, and it had the effect upon her of making her feel, for perhaps the first time in her life, a strong desire to lay the burden of her cares upon other shoulders. Captain Staple’s were certainly broad enough to bear them.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Sir, do you know how they were used to fill balloons, and how they now do it?”“No,” said Alverstoke. “I’ve no doubt, however, that I soon shall.”He was right. From then on Felix, who had acquired a tattered copy of the History and Practice of Aerostation, maintained a flow of conversation, largely informative, but interspersed with eager questions.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Ned! if you don’t tell me, it will be quite shameful of you! You always know everything!’‘Yes, Nicky, but you think I know everything because I never tell you anything I am not quite certain of,’ Carlyon replied, looking back at him with his faint smile. ‘What a sad blow it would be to my vanity if you found I could be just as easily mistaken as anyone else! You must let me keep my own counsel until I am certain.

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    My dear girl, don't talk nonsense to me! You're lazy, that's all that's wrong with you. Why don't you take up social work?

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  • Author Georgette Heyer
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    Dash it, they've got no heads!''No, but you see, Freddy, they are so very old! They have been damaged.' explained Miss Charing.'Damaged! I should rather think so! They haven't got any arms either! Well, if this don't beat the Dutch! And just look at this, Kit!'' Birth of Athene from the brain of Zeus,' said Kitty, consulting the catalogue.'Birth of Athene from what?

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